The wooden church dedicated to St. Dumitru is located in the village of Vorniceni in Botosani county, at a distance of 7 km from the Dorohoi - Iasi railway. The church in Vorniceni, possibly the oldest wooden church in Botosani County, does not have a pen, inscription or other document to certify the founder or the year when this place was erected. The construction is very similar to the wooden church in Putna. After the village hearth moved, in 1821, the logothete Nicolae Rosetti intervened to rescue the church in the middle of the community. Tradition says that this church was built by cutting the secular oaks of an old forest that stretched alongside the former site of the village, thus cleaning up the place where the church was built. Later the church was relocated from the hill, down the valley, into the village, being isolated because of the thieves. On several icons in the iconography is inscribed the year in which they were given to the church, so that on an icon of the Virgin Mary one can read the year 1783, and on the other one is seen the year 1785. From the above it can be easily inferred that in In 1774, the wooden church of Vorniceni exists, and like any wooden monument has undergone, over time, interventions in order to restore it. For example, in 1902, a moral and material situation of the church was submitted to the archpriest, from which we find that religious services were still being served, only that they wanted to move to the church because the wooden church was in a bad condition Because of his age. Maintained by the villagers of Vorniceni, was covered with a shingle period, but in 1915 they decided to contribute with their own money to replace the roof with zinc plated. In addition, the parish priest, Ioan Ionescu, borrowed from the People's Bank on June 24, 1915, the sum of 100 lei, to complete the work started in January by the master Costache Gh. Arnautu, also Chiricea. The church remained under this form until 1929, when a fire occurred in this part of the village. Requests for restoration of village monuments were filed after fire, and damages for the wooden church were valued at 100,000 lei. The roof of the church is made of shingles, being worked by folk technique in scales, and the bottom of the eaves is elongated to protect the walls of decay, being decorated with some wooden elements. The entire church is set on a stone foundation that has the role of building consolidation.