The Three Holy Hierarchs Monastery in Iasi is one of the most important places of worship in our country. The church of the monastery, an important monument of ecclesial architecture, was present in some of the most important moments of national history.
In 1634, on the throne of Moldavia became the great witch Vasile Lupu, wise and enlightened boyar, lovingly beautiful and especially beloved of faith. Between 1634-1653, as long as it lasted, Moldova experienced an unprecedented cultural blossom. Immediately after the reign, the faithful Vasile Lupa built a church dedicated to the Holy Three Hierarchs.
The original writing of the church, written in the Slavonic language and still seated above the entrance door, testifies to the following: - By the will of the Father and with the help of the Son and the realization of Saint Suh, I am the servant of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ Trinity, Io, Vasile Voievod, with the mercy of God the Lord of the Land of Moldova, and with our lady, Tudosca, and with the children of God, John Voievod and Maria and Rucsandra, I built this holy prayer on behalf of the Three Holy Hierarchs Vasile the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Gura de Aur. And it was consecrated by the hand of Archbishop Varlaam, 7147, May 6 .--
In the Three Hierarchs cells there were events of great importance for the Romanian education and culture. In 1640, the first Moldovan printing house was installed here, where the Romanian Barracks of Metropolitan Varlaam, his mass treatise on the Seventh Sacraments of the Church, the Answer to the Calvine Catechism and the Pravila of Vasile Lupu, the first anthology of Moldovan laws .