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Timis is a county located in the south-western part of Romania, in the center of Banat's historic province. His residence is Timisoara. It is bordered by Arad, Caras-Severin and Hunedoara counties, as well as with the districts of Banat South, Central Banat and North Banat in Serbia and Csongrad County of Hungary. Territorial, it is the largest county of Romania, with 8.697 km (3.69% of the total area of ​​the whole country). It was founded in 1968 by the territorial reorganization of the Banat region (with parts of Arad, Bozovici, Caransebes, Ciacova, Faget, Gataia, Jimbolia, Lipova, Moldova Noua, Oravita, Orsova, Pecica, Resita, Sannicolau Mare and Timisoara). Most of the territory of today's county was part of Timis-Torontal County, Timisoara County and the Timis County District, and the current Timisoara Metropolitan Area.