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Sibiu county, located in the heart of Transylvania, is one of Romania's most culturally rich and historically significant regions. The county is renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture, diverse cultural heritage, and stunning natural landscapes that range from rolling hills to the peaks of the Făgăraș Mountains. The county's capital, Sibiu city, was founded by Saxon settlers in the 12th century and grew to become one of Transylvania's most important cultural and trading centers. The city's historic center, with its distinctive "eyes" (window openings in the roofs), Gothic architecture, and three-tiered system of fortification walls, earned it the title of European Capital of Culture in 2007. Culturally, Sibiu county represents a fascinating blend of Romanian, German (Saxon), and Hungarian influences. This multicultural heritage is reflected in its architecture, festivals, and traditions. The county is also known for its numerous fortified churches, built by Saxon settlers between the 13th and 16th centuries. Villages like Biertan and Valea Viilor, with their UNESCO-listed fortified churches, offer glimpses into medieval Transylvanian life. Today, Sibiu county stands as a model of successful preservation and development, where medieval charm coexists with modern progress, making it one of Romania's most attractive destinations for both tourists and residents.

Fortified Church of Movile

Fortified Church of Movile
At 13.76 km from Agnita city center.

The fortified church of Agnita

The fortified church of Agnita
At 0.72 km from Agnita city center.

The fortified church of Stejărişu

The fortified church of Stejărişu
At 7.01 km from Agnita city center.

The fortified church at Merghindeal

The fortified church at Merghindeal
At 7.59 km from Agnita city center.

The fortified church of Dealu Frumos

The fortified church of Dealu Frumos
At 5.37 km from Agnita city center.

Avrig Museum

Avrig Museum
At 0.38 km from Avrig city center.

The fortified church of Hosman

The fortified church of Hosman
At 11.7 km from Avrig city center.

Fortified Church of Avrig

Fortified Church of Avrig
At 0.49 km from Avrig city center.

Brukenthal Palace Avrig

Brukenthal Palace Avrig
At 0.09 km from Avrig city center.

Valley of Avrig

Valley of Avrig
At 1.48 km from Avrig city center.

Cistercian Abbey of Cârţa

Cistercian Abbey of Cârţa
At 15.64 km from Avrig city center.

The Orthodox Church of Avrig

The Orthodox Church of Avrig
At 0.41 km from Avrig city center.

Cisnadioara Fortified church

Cisnadioara Fortified church
At 3.52 km from Cisnadie city center.

Museum of Textile Industry

Museum of Textile Industry
At 0.58 km from Cisnadie city center.

Cisnadie Fortified church

Cisnadie Fortified church
At 0.3 km from Cisnadie city center.

Cisnadie - center of the city

Cisnadie - center of the city
At 0 km from Cisnadie city center.

The fortified church at Valea Viilor

The fortified church at Valea Viilor
At 4.6 km from Copsa Mica city center.

The fortified churches of Şarşş on Târnave

The fortified churches of Şarşş on Târnave
At 3.5 km from Dumbraveni city center.

The fortified church of Curciu

The fortified church of Curciu
At 13.25 km from Dumbraveni city center.

The fortified church of Bazna

The fortified church of Bazna
At 6.98 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church at Richiş

The fortified church at Richiş
At 12.28 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church of Mălancrav

The fortified church of Mălancrav
At 24.19 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church from Medias

The fortified church from Medias
At 0.37 km from Medias city center.

Fortified church from Moşna

Fortified church from Moşna
At 8.18 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church of Copsa Mare

The fortified church of Copsa Mare
At 15.16 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church of Biertan

The fortified church of Biertan
At 13.64 km from Medias city center.

The fortified church of Alma Vii

The fortified church of Alma Vii
At 14.52 km from Medias city center.

Apoldu de Sus fortified church

Apoldu de Sus fortified church
At 5.24 km from Miercurea Sibiului city center.

The fortified church of Miercurea Sibiului

The fortified church of Miercurea Sibiului
At 0.23 km from Miercurea Sibiului city center.

Fortress Slimnicului (Stolzenburg)

Fortress Slimnicului (Stolzenburg)
At 8.8 km from Ocna Sibiului city center.

The fortified church at Ocna Sibiului

The fortified church at Ocna Sibiului
At 0.67 km from Ocna Sibiului city center.

Museum of Salistene Culture

Museum of Salistene Culture
At 0.28 km from Saliste city center.

The old house in Saliste

The old house in Saliste
At 0.27 km from Saliste city center.

Roman basilica from Cristian

Roman basilica from Cristian
At 7.69 km from Sibiu city center.

The Potters Tower

The Potters Tower
At 2.13 km from Sibiu city center.

The Evangelical Church

The Evangelical Church
At 1.91 km from Sibiu city center.

the Tower of the Council

the Tower of the Council
At 2.06 km from Sibiu city center.

Tower of the Carpenters

Tower of the Carpenters
At 2.19 km from Sibiu city center.

The Bridge of Lies in Sibiu

The Bridge of Lies in Sibiu
At 1.95 km from Sibiu city center.

Historical Center of Sibiu

Historical Center of Sibiu
At 1.96 km from Sibiu city center.

The Ethnography and Folk Art Museum of Saseasca

The Ethnography and Folk Art Museum of Saseasca
At 1.99 km from Sibiu city center.

Tower of the Ladders

Tower of the Ladders
At 1.85 km from Sibiu city center.

ASTRA Museum

ASTRA Museum
At 4.22 km from Sibiu city center.

Museum of Natural History

Museum of Natural History
At 1.99 km from Sibiu city center.

Suva Sasilor Reserve, Talmaciu

Suva Sasilor Reserve, Talmaciu
At 2.96 km from Talmaciu city center.

Evangelical parish house in Tălmaciu

Evangelical parish house in Tălmaciu
At 0.64 km from Talmaciu city center.

Talmaciu Hill Fortress Ruins

Talmaciu Hill Fortress Ruins
At 1.98 km from Talmaciu city center.
Fortified Church of Movile

Satul -celor o mie de dealuri- aşa se numeşte Movile în dialectul săsesc -Hundertbücheln-. Denumirea nu e una întâmplătoare; satul e situat într-un peisaj cu totul spectaculos, înconjurat de dealuri împădurite şi fâneţe invadate de flori şi plante variate, pârâuri şi izvoare limpezi.

În secolul XV, biserica veche a fost întărită cu ziduri de apărare şi turnuri. Biserica reprezenta locul de adăpost pentru toţi locuitorii în timpul atacurilor, iar turnurile de apărare deveneau şi depozite pentru alimente - Turnul Slăninilor şi Turnul Prunelor. Acesta din urmă se remarcă încă de departe, dintre dealuri, prin acoperişul său în formă de coif cu o siluetă elegantă.

În secolul XVI, pornind de pe turnul de S şi până pe turnul de N, ocolind pe la V vechea curtină, se mai construieşte un zid ce închide o a doua incintă.

Despre clopotniţa bisericii se crede că ea ar proveni de la o biserică mai veche, judecând după fisura ce o desparte de zidul navei.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

Fortified Church of Movile
The fortified church of Agnita

In the 13th century there was a Romanic basilica, but during the following centuries, due to the Turkish invasions, it was necessary to expand and strengthen it. Thus, in 1466, the fortified church of Agnita, a church built on the nucleus of the former Romanic basilica, in Gothic style, but with harmonious joints of Renaissance and Baroque elements, is mentioned.

The church still preserves the old fortifications and defense towers today: the Tower of the Baptists, the Tower of the Tailors, the Tower of the Crushers, the Tower of the Carpenters and, of course, the Tower of Slănii, a tower in which, according to the Saxon custom from all Transylvania, the guilds deposited their bacon. In fact, the salt used to preserve the bacon attacked the woodworking of the tower over time, some of the bars being rotten today.

In 1466, King Matia Corvin granted Agnita-jus gladii, the right to condemn by execution with the sword, as well as the permission to hold in the event of war half of the total men capable of fighting for the defense of the fortress, motivating that the locality would be located at the borders of Transylvania. This right was very important in the Middle Ages proving the consideration of the locality, but also the fact that the number of inhabitants was quite important.

A legend tells of a long siege of the Ottomans at Agnita. The whole population was sheltering in the city, but the supplies were endless and soon they would capitulate to the enemy. Courage of Ursule, a camel daughter, saved the fortress. She clothed in the rags, took a thimble in her hands, and came out of the city screaming. Her appearance scared the enemies who did not know what the show was ... they all fled, and Agni's fortress was saved! That's how the story of lolls came out, but that's another story ...

Imagini si informatii: Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Agnita
The fortified church of Stejărişu

Stejăriş has always been a small village, with locals always being forced to flee the flood.

The first church of the locality is beyond the Hârtibaci River, to the north. In 1867, the foundations of the old church were brought to light, but its stones were used to repair the road, eventually disappearing altogether.

During its fortification, on the western end one of those massive towers of stone was built on the west end, which was then built in the neighboring villages - Ruja, Iacobeni, Netus, Movile, Noiszat.

In 1860, the inner courtyard was demolished at church rebuilding, the building material being used to magnify the church. As a result, the north-eastern tower that was part of the inner courtyard is now completely isolated, only a meter away from the church.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Stejărişu
The fortified church at Merghindeal

In the old documents the locality appears under the name of the Valley of Mary (-Marienthal-); the legend says that Mary was a leader who, together with a group of Saxon settlers, had founded the village.

As they arrived here, around 1260, the Saxons built a basilica with three ships, a bell tower equipped with a tribune to the Central Command ship. However, in order to defend themselves against the turbulent attacks of the Turks, they fortified the church in 1500 by adding an enclosure wall and defense towers.

In the church, beneath the floor is a fountain that once served to feed the locals who were sheltered in the church during the invasions.

The Baroque altar originally had seven sculpted statues; Of these, only one remains today, the one representing the Savior.

There are three bells in the tower, of which the bell appears to be dating from the 15th century and bears a capital letter.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church at Merghindeal
The fortified church of Dealu Frumos

From the first half of the 13th Century, Frumos Hill possessed a three-nave, three-nave basilica, a square cor, closed to the east with a semicircular apse, without a bell tower. The transformation of this basilica into a Gothic hall church, fortified with two defense towers, was given several times as an example for the evolution of the construction of the Saxon churches in Transylvania.

It is believed that the two towers were built in the 15th century, and the transformation into a church-hall was carried out at the beginning of the 16th century.

By sharing the common fate of almost all Romanic churches in southern Transylvania, the Basilica of Frumos Hill suffered at the beginning of the sixteenth century a series of Gothic transformations, probably in 1522, enrolled in a geminated niche above the entrance to the northeast corner of city. In 1914, building a new communal hall, the pentagonal tower was included in it. During the excavations necessary for the foundation, a cemetery near the first basilica was discovered.

Fortification works took place in several stages, so that in the early 16th century, the old basilica became a Gothic church-hall, surrounded by a strong defense wall and defensive towers.

Imagini si informatii: Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Dealu Frumos
Avrig Museum

Designed as an ethno-cultural center, the museum includes an exhibition of Gheorghe Lazar, a collection of folk art called generic Maria Spiridon, a glassware collection, a collection of glass icons and circles for traditional craftsmanship.

Photos and information: primaria-avrig.ro

Avrig Museum
The fortified church of Hosman

As you approach Hosman, you will see the tower of the fortified church guarded by the heights of the Fagaras Mountains.

The double encircle surrounded a Romanic basilica at the beginning of the 16th century, whose very eloquent stylistic elements place the monument in the eighth decade of the 13th century, the planimetric disposition being the same encountered at the basilicas of the Sibiu area in that century. Attacks of the enemy forced its fortification two centuries later when two rows of defense walls, towers and bastions were added to it. Even so, the town fell prey to the army of Vlad the Impaler who, in 1456, burned the Hosman. Proof is the stone cannon projectiles embedded in the wall of the enclosure.

The church surrounding the church was built in the 15th century, when a double courtyard was built, with two towers on the outer wall and four towers on the inner wall. The tower joins the two chambers and still retains the wooden herce, above which the year 1502 can be read.

In 1903, when the 1 m high debris left over from the collaterals was removed, the old pillar of hexagonal bricks of the collaterals often found in the ancient Transylvanian Roman basilicas was discovered.

The church differs by the iconographic theme of the entire decoration. From the entrance will be drawn the outer part of the portal, which is represented by fabulous animals and fantastic characters that have their correspondent in the portal of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. This is not a mere coincidence; it is said that the church was built by calfs from Vienna.

The painted scenes inside the church invite us to a true journey into the fantastic world, but they also give us a lesson on life: zoomorphic characters, biblical or fantastic characters, supernatural beings and dramatic scenes draw our attention to the eternal struggle between good and evil, between matter and spirit, between divine and devilish.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Hosman
Fortified Church of Avrig

In the 13th century, the Saxon colonists arrived in the Avrig area and built a much smaller basilica on the site of the current evangelical church. By the 15th century, following the whole process of reconstruction and fortification of the churches of Transylvania, the Avrig church was also reinforced with fortification walls and transformed into a church hall.

Due to the changes made, the church preserved various elements in different architectural styles: Romanesque portal, Gothic sculptures, Baroque interior elements.

In 1770, Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, who was building his new summer residence in the vicinity of the church, donated it a clock that still works today.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

Fortified Church of Avrig
Brukenthal Palace Avrig

The construction was started in 1762 by General Bucow, Governor of Transylvania, and finished by Baron Samuel von Brukenthal, who followed Bucow.

The castle was built in the late baroque style, the central body with a Baroque portal is surrounded by two wings of smaller buildings. The palace has a park stretched up to the Olt meadow, set in many water courses with waterfalls, pools, alleys with rare species of trees and shrubs. The artesian fountain in the central basin was built according to the plans of the famous Viennese architect Blaumann.

Photos and information: primaria-avrig.ro

Brukenthal Palace Avrig
Valley of Avrig

The recreational area between Avrig and Poiana Neamţului, stretched along the Avrig River, is a particularly picturesque area where numerous holiday homes have been built in recent years. In the middle of this valley is Ghiocelul Chalet with accommodation and dining facilities, and at the end point, at 14 km from Avrig is Poiana Neamţului Chalet, at an altitude of 750 m, in a very beautiful valley, are created here accommodation and dining. From Poiana Neamţului starts the trail to Cabana Bârcăciu, on the mountain with the same name, where the alpine trails start in several directions: towards Şerbota and Negoiu, towards Lake Avrig or to Suru.

Photos and information: primaria-avrig.ro

Valley of Avrig
Cistercian Abbey of Cârţa

In the years 1205-1206, a group of Cistercian monks arrived in this part of Transylvania from the Igris monastery (Timis County), the latter being the first cistercian monastery on the territory of Romania, founded in 1179.

Not far from the village of Cârţa today, on the left bank of the Olt, they built a simple wooden construction, but a few years later they brought the stone craftsmen from France who built a real Gothic construction. In fact, the new church had a real initiating and inspirational role in the architecture of the fortified fortified churches in Transylvania.

The Cistercians had a restrictive lifestyle, concentrating their work only in the interest of the laity. They brought to Cărţa varieties of noble vine from Burgundy ... it is said that because of restrictions on food, wine was the only one that gave them power.

In the summer, the monks from the Cârţa abbey went to France at Pontigny's mother abbey to get acquainted with the latest discoveries. In order to defend themselves better against enemies, they built two caves near the monastery where they were hiding. The legends say that they even dug a tunnel that started beneath the altar of the church and led to the Olt River.

In 1474, King Matthias Corvinus abolished the abbey, because the locals in the neighborhood have always complained that this is the cause of the enemy's incessant attacks.

Despite the destruction, the monument has preserved its impressive architecture: capitals, vaults, windows, consoles, and even the western portal of the 15th century.

Today the church is frequented by the evangelical community in Cârţa.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

Cistercian Abbey of Cârţa
The Orthodox Church of Avrig

Dating from the beginning of the 18th century, the church was built on the site of an older one, in the form of a simple ship pierced by the Gotic windows. Particularly valuable here is the painting, a great artistic performance. The frescoes were made by the painters Ionaşcu and Pană from 1762.

One fact that is scarce in this part of the country is the exterior decoration made up of four niches painted in frescoes and a girdle of medallions.

Photos and information: primaria-avrig.ro

The Orthodox Church of Avrig
Cisnadioara Fortified churchIn the second half of the twelfth century it was built a Romanesque basilica. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the basilica took possession of King Andrew II because later be donated to the Cistercian Abbey of Carta. The church consists of three ships and is surrounded by an enclosure wall which runs along the plateau of the hill Michael (hence its name comes from the German village - Michelsberg - Michael Hill). What differentiates the like church in Transylvania is not suffered too many modifications. This was reinforced by three towers: the south gate tower, a tower in front of the western portal and a tower east, 5 m outside the precinct wall.Cisnadioara Fortified church
Museum of Textile Industry

Since the medieval period, Cisnadia was recognized for the great number of guilds, but especially for the tradition of craftsmanship and weaving. The neighboring villages of Sibiu Mărginimea, where the sheep breeding was the main occupation, allowed the wool processing workshops to appear.

In the 18th-20th centuries, these workshops were transformed into manufactures and factories, during the communist era, Cisnadia was known as a true center of the textile industry, the woolen rugs manufactured here were sold all over the world.

The museum in the Saxon fortress presents various craftsmanship objects in a chronological order that we carry from the earliest times of the existence of Cisnadie and until the beginning of the 21st century when the famous carpet factory still functioned in Cisnadie.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

Museum of Textile Industry
Cisnadie Fortified churchChurch which bear the name of Saint Walpurga beginnings, was built in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in Romanesque style. The fortification surrounding the church was built between 1430-1530, which is constructed of two concentric curtains fortified towers, bastions and ditches with water. In the south-west of the church was incorporated into a defense tower, a circular chapel. Massive Romanesque tower, 59 meters high, has vaulted cross the first two floors and access is via stairs between wall thickness contained in the walls on the ground floor measuring 3 m. Turkish devastating attack in 1493 mobilized the community to thoroughly strengthen the church. Many towers and bastions were built to enhance the safety of people, but over time has destroyed much of them.Cisnadie Fortified church
Cisnadie - center of the cityThe settlement was founded by ethnic German settlers, called the country by King Geza II of Hungary (1141-1161) to defend the borders against raids Kumans kingdom, Pechenegs, Tatars etc. Historians believe that in present-day Cisnădie village was founded in 1150, Ruetel town, which was destroyed by Mongol invasions. The first documentary about a settlement on the site of the current town dates from 1204, in a document of King Emeric of Hungary, as the Rivetel.Cisnadie - center of the city
The fortified church at Valea Viilor

On the place of the present church there was first a Romanic basilica, traces of which were discovered just under the sacristy floor. The basilica was probably built in the 13th century with the founding of the locality.

Today's church was built in the Gothic style in the fourteenth century. Subsequently, in order to cope with the ongoing invasions, the church was surrounded by walls and towers of defense. Today there are 4 towers and 6 to 7 m high walls with ramparts. In the church there are many valuable objects such as the 1528, the altar of 1779, the 1807 organ, and the canopy of the pulpit dated 1746. Another important element of this church is the hers above the northeast portal, which has been preserved intact since 1525 .

At the entrance of the churchyard there is a small museum of Saxon culture where you can admire traditional Saxon costumes, photographs and other objects donated by members of the Valley community. The church is on the UNESCO protected monument list.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church at Valea Viilor
The fortified churches of Şarşş on Târnave

In the sec. XIV. Sherosh could be proud of a strong community that managed to build a large, three-nave Gothic basilica without a tower. Like all fortified churches, it has also undergone transformations throughout the centuries, dictated by space and defense reasons: the side ships were demolished, the center ship and probably the choir were fortified, and on the west side of the church high in sec. the sixteenth bell tower, originally provided with a wooden watchtower.

Both in terms of constructive solutions and details, it can be said that the fortified church has quite similarities to the evangelical cathedral in Sibiu. Equally interesting is the so-called round-bastion, in fact the remnants of a Romanic chapel.

Photos and information: kirchenburgen.org

The fortified churches of Şarşş on Târnave
The fortified church of Curciu

The church in Curciu was preserved almost unchanged, it was built at the beginning of the sec. the fifteenth. The remarkable value of the basilica with three ships and polygonal choir lies in its particularly rich architectural plastic. In the cor there are windows with well preserved moldings and mussels, and at the tower gothic bifurcated windows. The sculptures that adorn the portals, the tower, the windows, the fortifications, as well as the capitals, the vaults, the sedil, the tabernacle and the door of the sacristy, were created around 1427. In the 19th century the side ships were built, thus realizing the cross section of a hall church. At the same time, the main and side ships were covered with a flat ceiling. The defensive tower of the tower was demolished in 1913, the resulting material being used for the construction of today's sharp, zinc-coated fleece. From the fortified ensemble was preserved the enclosure wall with the gate tower used as an entrance as well as a Gothic chapel integrated into this wall.

The fortified church in Curciu was built on a hill in the center of the village. The entrance is through the gate tower. Inside is an ossuary chapel, a room in which the bones of the deceased were preserved in the past.

There are many early 19th century architectural sculptures typical of the Medias region in the Curcu church. On the richly decorated western façade you can see a bird, a mask and a monster with a man's head in the claw.

Photos and information: kirchenburgen.org

The fortified church of Curciu
The fortified church of Bazna

The church was built in the 15th century by the Saxon community in the locality. A century later, it was fortified by the addition of an enclosure wall and defense towers.

After 1300, Bazna belonged to the Mediaş Chair as a free village, documents proving this. The church still holds a tabernacle in the choir, with a representation of Jesus dating back to 1504. Also, a rarely encountered element is that in the bell tower, which also has a gate tower, is still preserved three bells from the 14th-15th centuries, among the few remaining of that period. The bells of the Saxon fortified churches were melted during the First World War for the manufacture of war tools.

Imagini si informatii: Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Bazna
The fortified church at Richiş

Originally, the current church was a Cistercian monastery converted in 1400 into a Catholic church. During the period 1540-1550, the evangelical cult was imposed on Richis. Thus, the Bogish Saxons also underwent a physical transformation of the church. Because they were proud and wanted a church with white and cleaner walls, they waved the church year after year, so not long after, the thickness of lime on the walls was almost a finger.

The fortification wall was added around 1500. Right beside the church, one can notice the bell tower detached from the church building, and this was because the Cistercian order was not allowed to build a tower on the church.

In 1957, the new priest arrived to mobilize the entire village to clean the old cousin on the walls and to bring forth the beautiful motifs of the early Gothic. The Richis Church is an undeniable treasure that is gradually being discovered by the visitor's skillful eye. The interior abounds in unnatural zoomorphic, vegetal and anthropomorphic motifs.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church at Richiş
The fortified church of Mălancrav

The church was built in the 14th century, and the sanctuary was rebuilt in 1400 in an international Gothic style.

And this church was fortified with walls and towers of defense, but today only a simple belt in the fortification wall can be admired.

But the Malancrav church is distinguished by a very special element, namely the mural painting inside it - a gothic narrative painting dating back to the 14th century. The painting reproduces biblical occurrences from Genesis to the Passion of Jesus, allowing a better understanding of the believers and their closeness to God.

The settlement was the residence of the Apafy noble family, who also owned Mălancrav and the villages of Stejărişu, New Săsesc, Roandola, Floresti and Cris. In the following centuries, the slaughterhouse enters into the property of the families of Betheln and Haller.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Mălancrav
The fortified church from Medias

The church bearing St. Margaret's patron was first certified in 1414. In 1545 it became the property of the Lutheran evangelical community in Mediaş, becoming the center of the Saxon community.

Over time, the church has been endowed with many secular or religious art objects. Among them is the massive bronze in the second half of the 14th century.

At the end of the fifteenth century, the authorities decided to tow the church tower to build it higher and higher than the church of St. Stephen's Church in Vienna. It seems that their desire has angered God, who as a punishment would have tilted the tower. Today, it is 8 m high and a vertical slope of 2.28 m.

The tower of the church is called the Trumpet Tower because a trumpet always announced from the tower the dangers that threatened the city. Vlad Tepes was captured in this tower in 1476, due to a conflict with Hungarian king Matia Corvin.

On the interior walls can be admired today many mural paintings executed in the 14th-15th centuries.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church from Medias
Fortified church from Moşna

In the 13th century, the first settlers arrived at Moşna built a small Romanic basilica. Three centuries later, however, the reputation of the locality and, above all, the prosperity of its inhabitants led them to build a much larger church instead of the basilica.

Thus, at the beginning of the 16th century, the famous craftsman Andrea Lapicida, along with his calves, laid the foundations of the most beautiful church-hall in the area of Tarnavelor.

The church, although built late in Gothic style, still retains elements of the old basilica. As the years passed and the intensification of the Turks attacks in Transylvania, and in Mosna, the fortification walls were built. The works began in 1520 when the observation tower, two defense towers and two bastions were built. It was then built the wall of the 9 m high that surrounds the church.

Fortified church from Moşna
The fortified church of Copsa Mare

The year when Copsa Mare was first mentioned is 1283. A Gothic basilica with three ships and a tower is soon to be built. At the beginning of the sixteenth century the edifice was fortified, the walls above the main ship were raised and fitted with firing holes. The bell tower is enriched with a guard road and the choir is raised. The ensemble of the fortified church is distinguished from all the others by its placement in space, the silhouette of the church being pleased with the relief forms. This is very well seen from a distance, where the viewer has the impression that the church city is an organic part of the landscape. Inside the church the adaptation of the building to the relief is observed through the elevated apse, which can be reached by several steps.

In the eighteenth century the community reconditioned the interior of the church. The canopy, the pulpit and the chrysanthemum are made in baroque style. In the 19th century the Gothic altar was replaced by a classicist one dated 1854. The original altar with wooden statues was restored and is displayed in the sacristy of the parish church in Sibiu. The Orga and clock date back to the nineteenth century.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Copsa Mare
The fortified church of Biertan

On a hill, in the center of Biertan, is one of the most imposing and well-fortified peasant fortresses in Transylvania.

A true economic center of the area, declared in the sixteenth century and the center of the Saxon Episcopate, the Biertan became a target coveted by many invaders. It needed a more imposing church surrounded by strong defense walls.

The church was built at the beginning of the 16th century as a late Gothic church church. This has kept its appearance until nowadays, and the elements inside are invaluable values ​​whose story goes centuries ago. As you enter the church, your eye will be taken by the imposing altar with the 28 painted scenes, the 16th century pulpit, the flats made artistically flat, the Anatolian carpets and the impressive door of the sacristy.

The layout of the three enclosures surrounding the church, the 6 defense towers and 3 bastions reveals such interesting things about the daily lives of the inhabitants. Access to the fortress is through a covered staircase passing by the Watchtower (today a small bookstore is arranged here), and at the end of the stairway there is a large stone in front of the church, which, long ago, all the villains were seated for the whole community to recognize it.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Biertan
The fortified church of Alma Vii

The church is on the hill above the village. It was built in the 14th century, two centuries later being fortified by the construction of the defense wall and towers.

The choir is raised in the early 16th century, and the church occasionally takes over the defensive role of the church, the same choir being fortified and equipped with firing holes.

The church had a Gothic net in the nineteenth century but it was abandoned, and the balconies on the north and west sides of the church were still being built. The gate tower, built on the eastern side of the church, is impressive and comes with horizontal shooting holes, and the traces of some elements specific to the existence of a hers can be observed.

The church is surrounded by four defensive towers, which symbolize the four cardinal points.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church of Alma Vii
Apoldu de Sus fortified church

The current church was raised after the demolition of the ancient Romanic basilica. In 1836 a church was built, completed in 1867 with a tower. The interior of the church is a beautiful model of a classicist church, where the altar of 1751 and the organ of 1816, both of them from the old basilica, have been found. From the fortifications, only ruins are preserved, but instead, one can notice from the other side of the main road the structure of the traditional village with the narrow roads and the typical households.

Apoldu de Sus is one of the three so-called 'Landes' villages, where the Protestants deported from Austria settled in the 18th century. Here they kept their tongue and port, because they found the desolate and mass depopulated settlement, thus forming the majority of the conlocutives. Apoldu de Sus has developed since the 13th century, thus becoming one of the most important Saxon settlements. In the middle of the seventeenth century the village was burned and destroyed, and in the following years the population was decimated by famine, epidemics and wars. Since 1689, a local priest's report has been kept on the desperate situation. The arrival of the landlords in the mid-eighteenth century brought with it an improvement in the local economic situation.

Photos and information: kirchenburgen.org

Apoldu de Sus fortified church
The fortified church of Miercurea Sibiului

In 1496, the lateral ships of the Roman basilica with counter-towers were erected, built around 1260, thus obtaining a hall-church appearance. Only the walls of the church and the tower (now integrated into the roof) were preserved from the original building. In the bridge of the side ships you can still see the Romanesque windows in the upper register, being covered in 1783 by building a vault above the central ship.

During this period, the choir also expanded, the interior being decorated with tusks of Tuscan columns at the triumphal arc and adhered to the walls. The furniture dates from the 18th century. The wall of the tower with a tower was built between the 13th and the 15th centuries. The inner part is built almost the entire length with massive rooms and granaries, on two levels, behind them passing the guard road. The roof of the vaults, built in one single water, is extended, protecting the villages' wheat chambers over the centuries.

Photos and information: kirchenburgen.org

The fortified church of Miercurea Sibiului
Fortress Slimnicului (Stolzenburg)Fortress Slimnicului (Stolzenburg) is located on the road between Sibiu and Medias, even in the locality Slimnic, on a hill called Burgbasch. It has a very beautiful and imposing structure. Since you approach, this city exudes a majestic medieval.Fortress Slimnicului (Stolzenburg)
The fortified church at Ocna Sibiului

Ocneni worked on the construction of the new basilica when, in 1241, they were attacked by tattoo hordes. They suffered many damage, and the construction of the church was resumed only a few years later. When they finished the church, the craftsmen added a massive wall around it to keep it from the wickedness of the invaders.

The church still retains Romanesque elements, though, over time, it has been restored and enriched with Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance elements. As you enter the church you will notice the pulpit. It is special because it is one of the oldest Romanesque stone sculptures in Transylvania.

The church still retains fragments of mural painting belonging to the painter Vincentius, dating back to the beginning of the 16th century.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The fortified church at Ocna Sibiului
Museum of Salistene Culture

The town of Sălişte was considered a "spiritual capital of the Mărginimii", and this title is not a random one at all. The existence of the large number of academics and scientists who were born in Sălişte gave the locality a reputation, and today two museum halls are dedicated to them. Here you can admire books, papers, works of art, paintings and works of art that have remarked the scholars and scholars of Sălişte over time.

The museum also includes elements of the popular port, the traditional costumes from Salistea, which are known throughout the country, and other exhibits that present the lives of the villagers, their preoccupations and traditions of the past.

Photos and information: www.sibiu-turism.ro

Museum of Salistene Culture
The old house in Saliste

The old house in Saliste is an old cottage, detached from the stories of grandparents. His little chambers weighed down with old traditional objects and walls filled with years and faces of saints who follow you everywhere, the small window, a palm, and the scream of scribbled scriptures lead you into another world, a world of old , simpler, quieter, more mysterious, and more beautiful.

An inscription on the window frame marks the date of 1841; in 1999 it was bought by the current owners, restored, and now its gate is always open to those who want to visit it.

Photos and information: www.sibiu-turism.ro

The old house in Saliste
Roman basilica from CristianIn the mid-fifteenth century, former Roman basilica from Cristian was almost completely renovated and converted into a church-hall Gothic style with three naves and a bell tower. The authorities wanted to build a church as strong to resist weather and ruthless attacks, but to modern architecture and fall weather. Thus, the very famous stonemason Andreas Lapicida known in this part of Transylvania for his mastery, was in charge of the work. Because the town was in full open field and hardly defend themselves against invaders, the church was surrounded by two defensive curtains and exterior wall was provided with five towers.Roman basilica from Cristian
The Potters Tower

It was built in the 19th century. XV of stone and consolidated a century later. The upper part, protruding outside, rests on a set of consoles with throwing holes. Surrounding around there are five shooting points for archebuzes.Sub streasina: ramparts in the shape of steps.

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

The Potters Tower
The Evangelical Church

The Evangelical Church is one of the most impressive Gothic buildings in Transylvania. It was built in the 14th century on the site of an ancient church dating back to the 12th century. The building is dominated by the seven-level tower with the four turrets on the corners, a sign that the city had the right to be sentenced to death (in Latin and Gladius, literally - the sword right--). In the tower there are 192 steps that stop at the 4 towers where a general view of the city is provided. The observation point is 55 m. In the tower there are 3 bells.

For centuries there had been the watch-keeper's watch. The tower of the church is 73.34 m high, it is the tallest building in Sibiu. The Legend says that the Saxon Saxons, wanting to ascend for their church the highest tower, went to a delegation to the six-member community in Bistrita to inspiration. There they measured with a rope the height of the church tower, and in the evening they were invited to the Bistritan feast. while enraging the people from Sibiu, the Bistritian craftsmen have secretly cut a piece of rope. Thus the tower of Bistrita remained the highest in Transylvania, with its 75 meters. It is the second clock tower as old in Romania. The current clock dates back to 1881.

The church is an extensive Gothic edifice with a plan made up of a polygonal choir composed of three trawls, flanked north by a sacristy; there is a transept to the west, then the central ship and the two sides; in the west was built the massive tower, finally embedded in a narthex formed, in turn, from three ships. The mobile inventory of the Evangelical Church in Sibiu is particularly valuable. Even though a number of gold-plated silver wreaths, works of famous Sibiu masters, such as Sebastian Hann, are not accessible to the public, other high-value pieces can be admired in the church.

starting with 1496, for 300 years, the church has also served as a burial site for mayors, committees, or other Siberian personalities. in 1796 the burial in the church is forbidden, but an exception will be made in 1803, when the dead body of Baron Samuel von Brukenthal will be deposited in the crypt beside the pulpit. The burial stones that covered the graves were dismantled from the church ship in 1853 and embedded in the ferrule walls, thus obtaining a gallery of 67 funerary slates, unique in Romania. Ferula is composed of three trajectories supported by two pairs of massive columns. On the southern side is a small tribune. On the western wall of this stand there is the painted chronicle of the main events of the city's life.

VISIT PROGRAM: daily 10:00 - 20:00

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

The Evangelical Church
the Tower of the Council

Situated between the most important two markets of the city, more precisely at the corner of the Mid-east, the Tower of the Council has always been the hallmark of the city of Sibiu. The name of the tower comes from the defensive function on the entrance gate in the second enclosure, located in the immediate vicinity of the building that sheltered the Sibiu City Hall, mentioned in documentary in 1324. Starting with the tower defense, defense, two fortifications, it collapses partially in 1585, following an earthquake. The ground floor and the first two floors belong today to the original construction of the 19th century. XIII. in 1588 the tower is rebuilt with the help of the citizens of the city.

In 1720 the tower guard received an order from the magistrate to repeat the whistle of the clock every half an hour. The roof changes its appearance from time to time, from a short, pyramidal one to the high octagonal pyramid, flanked by four turrets that served as a sign of the city's judiciary. The present shape of the tower dates back to the reconstruction works carried out between 1824-1826. Access to the interior is through a small door, from where, through a spiral staircase, it reaches the upper floors. There are 141 steps up to the top floor. On the fifth floor you can see the clock mechanism and the last floor shows an observation point over the old town.

VISIT PROGRAM: 10:00 - 20:00, Entry: 2 RON

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

the Tower of the Council
Tower of the Carpenters

1337 - 1366

It is a flank tower attached to the third enclosure, based on a circular plan. From the cornice tower, the tower takes the form of an octagonal prism closed in the upper portion by an outer part supported by consoles with black holes between the arcs. It was restored in 1967. The wall that connects to the Potters Tower is a recent reconstruction of the old defensive wall.

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

Tower of the Carpenters
The Bridge of Lies in Sibiu

The Bridge of Lies is one of the most important symbols of the city. Rebuilt in 1859 by Friedrich Hütte instead of another wooden bridge, the Bridge of Lies is the first iron bridge in Romania. Because it was the first one that was not built on the pillars, it was told - the lying bottom--. in German, the word "lugenmarchen" ("lugenmarchen") was the name of the word - minciuna-- and it was called by the locals - the lie lie - where the legends that justified its name appeared.

Of the many legends related to this bridge, the most popular remains the legend that if someone says a lie while on the bridge, it will collapse. Preferred place for young couples for the promenade, the bridge is distinguished by rugged rosette pieces and a brass of elements written in descending circles ornate with vegetal and neo-gothic geometric motifs. They bear on the southern side the coat of arms of Sibiu, and on the northern side the inscriptions - 1859--, respectively - Friedrich Hütte--. The four rugged stone pedestals at the end of the bridge support molded cast iron luminaires. The metallic balustrade of the bridge consisted of eight panels with radial, gothic decorations.

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

The Bridge of Lies in Sibiu
Historical Center of SibiuSibiu, known as Hermannstadt German was and is one of the most representative cities of Romania, both in terms of tourism, but culturally and economically. Here there is the most important center of the German minority in Transylvania, also other minorities (Hungarians, Gypsies, Slovaks and Ukrainians). Of course, it has the largest share of Romanian origin population (over 95%) who knew how to keep and combine remaining crops up.Historical Center of Sibiu
The Ethnography and Folk Art Museum of Saseasca

It is where you can discover one of the most important collections of Saxon folk art in Romania. Housed in a beautiful monument building, the museum is organized in three sections: folk art galleries, exhibition and conference halls, and exhibition and exhibition dedicated mainly to Saxon art collectors.

Regarding the heritage of the museum, over 8300 pieces are divided into three collections: ceramics, textile port and furnishings.

Photos and information: sibiu-turism.ro

The Ethnography and Folk Art Museum of Saseasca
Tower of the Ladders

sec. 13, restored in 1542

It is the only one of the three access gates in the first fortification enclosure that has been preserved and dates back to the sec. XIII, the ground floor of the tower being the oldest building in Sibiu.

The present form dates back to 1542. The tower is in the form of a massive brick-built single-storey building, having at the first level a vaulted passage through which you reach the stairs that connect between - The Upper City-- and the - from the bottom - towards the Tower Street, and laterally an arched passage to the BUSSWINKEL under the curb wall that delimits the garden of the parish house.

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

Tower of the Ladders
ASTRA Museum

Ideal place for keeping the authentic Romanian spirit, the Outdoor Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului is set in a true paradise, in the natural reserve - Dumbrava Sibiului -. Featuring a lake and over ten kilometers of alleys, the museum offers all sorts of walks, from classic walks to a short carriage or sleigh ride. Lush vegetation helps people breathe fresh air, but also ignores for a few minutes or hours the city's hustle and bustle. A visit to the Outdoor Museum in Dumbrava Sibiului also has this feature to make you forget about everyday problems easily, translating into a different world with which you gradually learn to communicate. It is a world created for centuries in a history where the Romans have created a space for them to distinguish them from others, making them feel unique, creative, giving them a feeling of steadiness and helping them resist those who wanted to change them in one way or another.

The outdoor museum covers an area of ​​96 hectares, of which the exhibition itself occupies 42 hectares. Visitors have at their disposal a Multicultural Museum Pavilion, with tourist information office included, two restaurants, two boarding houses, a playground, 4 parking lots, over 10 km of alleys, lots of stopovers, practical demonstration spaces and many other items to make their stay as pleasant as possible.

The story of the ASTRA Museum begins more than a century ago with the first manifestations of a Romanian dream from Transylvania to organize an ethnographic collection in Sibiu under the aegis of the Association for Romanian Literature and the Romanian People's Culture. It has the role of highlighting the most representative testimonies about the Romanian specific, about what distinguishes us from other peoples, things and phenomena that could explain to all who we are. The products of the Romanian mastership were to prove the technical creativity and the hard work of this nation. The first exhibition of the Association Museum, an institution from which comes the name ASTRA, took place in 1905.

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

ASTRA Museum
Museum of Natural History

The foundations of the museum were laid in 1849 by the establishment of the Siebenbürgischer Verein für Naturwiessenschaften (Transylvanian Society of Natural Sciences), which brought together important personalities of the domestic and international scientific and cultural life. The headquarters of the Transylvanian Society of Natural Sciences, whose festive inauguration took place on May 25, 1895, was built by the C.W. Friedrich Maetz.

The building is placed in the 3rd (demolished) and 4th quarters. The main façade of neoclassical conformation has a portico with four ionic columns above which there is a balcony with a railing. To the balcony there are three rectangular doors in the semicircular discharge arch provided with a volley-shaped bow. The three axes are separated by four corinthian columns bearing an antablamentus with the frieze inscribed with the MDCCCXCIV (1894). The collections of the museum sum up nearly 1,100,000 pieces from the fields of geology, paleontology, botany and zoology, being second in the national network. on December 21, 2007, the most modern Romanian natural history exhibition was opened in the presence of the Culture Minister Adrian Iorgulescu, the mayor of Sibiu, Klaus Werner Johannis and the prefect of Sibiu County, Ioan Mitea.

From a thematic point of view, the exhibition has preserved its systematic character, presenting the main groups of animals in their phylogenetic evolution. Innovative are the scenography of the presentation and the adopted museotechnical solutions. Thus, in the new configuration, a special importance was given to the dioramate presentation, the pieces being placed in displays in which the habitat of each animal is reproduced within an ecosystem. The number of tracks has been reduced without affecting diversity. A much greater amount of complementary materials, such as explanatory texts, static images and moving images, have been used. The selection of all the materials incorporated in the butaforium was made on the criterion of compatibility and the quality of the microclimate in the exhibition sector is ensured by general air conditioning.

TARIFF: Adult 13 Ron,, children over 7 years 3,5 Ron, Children up to 7 years free, School groups 11 Ron

Information and images taken from turism.sibiu.ro

Museum of Natural History
Suva Sasilor Reserve, Talmaciu

Șuvara Sașilor is a protected area of ​​national interest that corresponds to the 4th IUCN category (botanical nature reserve), located in the south of Transylvania, on the territory of Sibiu County.

The natural area is located in the southern extremity of Sibiu County, on the western administrative territory of Tălmaciu (on the bank of the river Sadu), near the county road DJ105G, which connects Sadu de Tălmaciu.

The Nature Reserve was declared a protected area by Law No. 5 of March 6, 2000, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, no.152 of 12 April 2000, approving the National Territory Planning Plan - Section III - Protected Areas and has an area of ​​20 ha. It is included in the Frumoasa community site and has been designated as a nature reserve for the purpose of protecting and conserving certain species of the spontaneous flora of Cindrel.

The natural reserve (a former land belonging to the Saxons in the area) is an area of ​​clusters of silver birch (Betula pendula), alder (Alunus glutinosa) or pond and hayfields that house rare flora; some of which are protected at European level by Directive 92/43 / EC (Annex I-a of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora); such as: Molinia caerulea, narcissus (Narcissus stellaris), gladiolus (Gladiolus imbricatus), iris (Iris sybirica), Crocus banaticus, Gentiana pneumonaunthe, Pig dung (Peucedanum rochelianum); as well as several orchid species (Orchis incarnata, Orchis laxiflora, Orchis transillvanica).

Photos and information: www.turism-talmaciu.ro

Suva Sasilor Reserve, Talmaciu
Evangelical parish house in Tălmaciu

The Evangelical parish house in Tălmaciu is registered at the Ministry of Culture, the National Heritage Institute under SB-II-m-B-12569 and is a patrimony of national interest.

The parochial house, located in the northwest part of the church, comes in its present form from 1718. The old parish house burned as it is known this year. This random points a memorial plate on the narrow side of the house, on the opposite side of the street with the inscription -Parochia malitioso nocturno igne die 26. August 1718. supposito incinerata extruebatur partim elemosynis civium Cib. partim ecclesiae existentibus And.Teutsch I.R.N.S. Georg Werder C.P.ac I.G. Vette M.D. Castel P.T.Georg Belselio pastor loci anno salutis 1719 m. Iunio.-

According to this inscription, the parish house burnt it on August 26, 1718, and was restored in 1719 with the support of the citizens of Sibiu.

The parish house and church are on the protected monument list, including a small atrium, a larger courtyard and a large garden.

Photos and information: turism.talmaciu.ro

Evangelical parish house in Tălmaciu
Talmaciu Hill Fortress Ruins

The fortress of Landskrone, which was a border city, was built by Saxons during the reign of King Louis the Great called the "Magyar" (the son of Carol Robert of Anjou, the one beaten at Posada de Basarab Voda) between 1369 and 1370. It had a strategic role, and it dominated the whole country, with all the movements in the Olt Valley and Land, from Sadu or Sibiu.

It was mastered by the Hungarian nobles in Tălmaciu, who came into conflict with King Matia Corvin, who ordered, in 1453, that the whole defense system should enter into Saxon administration. Similarly, the Cubs of rebellious noblemen (as they appear in a document of the time) also had strained relations with the Cistercian abbey of Cârţa and its possessions, wanting to take from the monastery's income contributed by the Romanian villages in the area. Despite the repeated orders of King Matthias to demolish the fortress, it is attested as functional and mentioned in documents in 1480 and 1520, whereby it follows that even at the border, even the king's decisions were not executed very well - just in time -.

It is possible, however, that the city remained a strategic point, although it was partially demolished, traces of this activity being present (large holes in the wall or fragments of rusted walls). The area appears to have been used as an observation site, from the Dacians until the 20th century, according to the archaeological material discovered. The fortress can be a touristic point for those who cross the Talking, even if the road to -Landskrone- is difficult to do by car. Anyway, it's worth it, because the panorama you get when you get to the top is, without any exaggeration, unique.

Secrets buried in the earth throughout history are now revealed by the rebels - led by the archaeologist Dr. Petre Besliu Munteanu of the Brukenthal National Museum. In a conversation pointing through the fortress, I found out that the archaeological dowry is extremely interesting and valuable.

Previously, fragments of Dacian ceramics were discovered, proof that the strategic advantages of this place have been exploited since the time of the Dacians, although there have been no traces of construction during this period.

Now, archaeologists have discovered what would have been the habitation of the castelan and the neighbors, remaining unfinished (considered unjustifiably to be the "fortress"), known as the "palast", of rectangular shape (14 x 6 m ). The construction may be the reason for mentioning, in a document, that the fortress was not finished, referring to the palace, not to the defense walls.

Talmaciu Hill Fortress Ruins