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It is a county located in the central-western part of Romania, in the center of Transylvania's historic province. His residence is the city of Cluj-Napoca. It is bordered by the counties of Salaj, Maramures, Bistrita-Nasaud, Mures, Alba and Bihor. It was founded in 1968 by the territorial reorganization of the Cluj Region (Cluj, Huedin, Dej, Gherla and Turda districts). Most of the territory of today's county was part of Cluj, Turda and Somes (interwar) counties (pre-war), Turda-Aries and Solnoc-Dabaca, respectively, from the Aries Szekler. From the point of view of the traditional culture, the present county is made up of several distinct ethno-folkloric areas (the country of Motilor, the country of Calata, etc.), plus the Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Area.

Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca

Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca
At 1.48 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

The History Museum at UBB University

The History Museum at UBB University
At 0.48 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

The mill channel Cluj-Napoca

The mill channel Cluj-Napoca
At 0.23 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

National Museum of History of Transylvania

National Museum of History of Transylvania
At 0.33 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

The Mirror Street in Cluj

The Mirror Street in Cluj
At 0.18 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

Roses Park Cluj-Napoca

Roses Park Cluj-Napoca
At 2.93 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

The UBB Botanical Museum

The UBB Botanical Museum
At 1.02 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

The Pharmacy Museum Cluj-Napoca

The Pharmacy Museum Cluj-Napoca
At 0.1 km from Cluj-Napoca city center.

Toroc Spa Park in Dej

Toroc Spa Park in Dej
At 1.76 km from Dej city center.

Church of Ocna Dej Salt Mine

Church of Ocna Dej Salt Mine
At 3.33 km from Dej city center.

Gherla Fortress

Gherla Fortress
At 0.72 km from Gherla city center.

The Banffy Castle

The Banffy Castle
At 15.06 km from Gherla city center.

The History Museum in Gherla

The History Museum in Gherla
At 0.19 km from Gherla city center.

Nicula Monastery

Nicula Monastery
At 4.81 km from Gherla city center.

The reformed church in Huedin

The reformed church in Huedin
At 0.36 km from Huedin city center.

Cetatea Radesei cave

Cetatea Radesei cave
At 28.21 km from Huedin city center.

The Roman Castro

The Roman Castro
At 2.04 km from Turda city center.

The Turzii Gorges

The Turzii Gorges
At 8.2 km from Turda city center.

The Salty Baths

The Salty Baths
At 1.63 km from Turda city center.

The Turda History Museum

The Turda History Museum
At 1.24 km from Turda city center.

The Turenilor Keys

The Turenilor Keys
At 7.61 km from Turda city center.

Turda Salt Mine

Turda Salt Mine
At 2.63 km from Turda city center.
Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca

Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca is the most modern and large-scale building in Cluj for organizing events. Developed on 5 levels (basement, ground floor and three floors), the multifunctional room is designed for the most diverse activities.

Basement serves underground parking. It is divided into 3 compartments, with the capacity of 445 parking spaces. Access to the building of all categories of event participants is made on the ground floor. Also on the ground floor there is the commercial space and the restaurant space. The 1st floor is entirely dedicated to the public, with generous spaces for wardrobes, bars and plumbing. The 2nd floor is allocated to both the general public and the VIP guests, the latter having a separate access area, which is served by bars, bars, conference rooms and others. The third floor is the level of access to the media room (television car, reporters, commentators).

With a capacity of up to 10,000 seats, the gym can host the most varied events, from contact sports (judo, boxing, martial arts, etc.) to gymnastics, hockey, tennis and other team sports (basketball, handball, volleyball etc ), to cultural, corporate, conferencing or concert events.

Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca is the best equipped multifunctional room in Romania, at present. The video cube is unique in the country with four large screens. They can transmit full HD images even during events. At the same time, the hall has the most advanced heating system in the country with solar panels and photovoltaic panels that allow the building safety lighting to be fed. The building is also equipped with a pluvial water take-over system, then re-used in sanitary groups.

Photos and information: cluj.com

Polivalenta Hall Cluj-Napoca
The History Museum at UBB University

The History Museum at UBB University now has over 1000 pieces (original documents and facsimile, photographs, postcards, various scientific apparatus, medals, publications of university professors, etc.). With their help, the evolution of all colleges, faculties and universities that have been successive in Cluj-Napoca since the 16th century until today. The museum is structured in several compartments, namely:

The permanent exhibition, presenting the history of the University of Cluj, XVI-XX centuries. Temporary exhibition halls. Here are all the events and temporary projects of the Museum The specialized library, to which all categories of people (researchers, doctoral students, etc.) interested in the history of universities and the history of science, on a local, national and international level, can access upon request. The History Museum of the University organizes free thematic guides on age groups in several languages ​​(Romanian, Hungarian, French and English). Upon request, museum staff offers the public interested in the history of universities and the history of intellectuals specialized assistance (bibliographical guidelines, museum collections, etc.).


photographic collections

collection of postcards

collection of academic papers

collection of scientific instruments

collections of medals, seals and badges with university themes

Information and images taken from cluj.com

The History Museum at UBB University
The mill channel Cluj-Napoca

The Morii Cluj canal stretches over a total length of 7.2 kilometers and represents, at this stage, an area with a huge tourist and leisure potential in Cluj-Napoca.

For example, Andrei Şaguna Street is, in our opinion, one of the most beautiful streets in Cluj. It's a kind of promise of what could become the Moriah Canal. Decorated as a pedestrian zone, the street has a bohemian air and gives Cluj another a different picture. Or, at least at this stage, the vision of an image of the future. For, as a paradox, there are still problems of channel management and hygiene.

Short history The Morii Canal was designed precisely to ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the city in the sixteenth century. Due to the occasional presence in Cluj of the prince, officials or foreigners, the citizens and the leaders of the city were motivated to contribute and encourage the development of the city and its transformation into a host appropriate to the diplomatic, political or military elite of the principality.

Thus, on a city council, on April 16, 1558, it was decided, in order to ensure cleanliness and hygiene, that the water of Someşul Mic should be brought to the immediate vicinity of the city. The whitewashed ground in the ground is supposed to have been made on an old arm of Someş Mic. Here, during the time of the ancient city of Napoca, water was still flowing. In the middle of the sixteenth century, only the surplus of precipitation flowed on this arm. Officials have been very effective. First, they obtained from Queen Isabella the exemption of the city from paying the tax for a full year. And on June 25, from the desire to make the adduction channel as soon as possible, the council decided that every tenth (n.r. subdivision of the city of ten houses) would send people to help dig it.

Nowadays, the Morii Canal is at a stage of potential tourist destination, a potential recreation area.

photo: Mihail Onaca

Information and images taken from cluj.com

The mill channel Cluj-Napoca
National Museum of History of Transylvania

The National History Museum of Transylvania has a valuable historical and archaeological heritage, with over 400,000 cultural assets reflecting the history and civilization of Transylvania, from prehistory to the present day.

Located in the Museum Square in Cluj-Napoca, on Constantin Daicoviciu Street, no. 2, the museum is one of the most prestigious scientific research institutions and a well-preserved archaeological school with relevant sites at national and European level. At regional level, archaeological researches are undertaken by the museum's specialists, the Dacian fortresses in the Orastie Mountains, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, as well as the Dacian settlements in the Eastern Carpathians. At the county level, research is carried out at the Roman castles in Căşei, Bologa and Gherla, as well as in the prehistoric resorts of Iclod, Ţaga or Palatca.

At present, the National Museum of History of Transylvania organizes temporary exhibitions presenting to the public the special values ​​of Transylvanian civilization and not only. At the same time, under the museum is also the Pharmacy History Collection (Pharmacy Museum), now in the building where the oldest pharmacy in Cluj functioned. -Guest St. George has been documentary since 1573! The building that houses today The Pharmacy History Collection is located in Unirii Square, no. 28 (corner of King Ferdinand Street). The Pharmacy Museum started from the collection of Transylvanian pharmaceutical objects of Prof. Iuliu Orient (1869 - 1940). The collection was exhibited in the Transylvanian Museum in 1904 and then donated to the museum and enriched with other valuable donations.

Photos and information: cluj.com

National Museum of History of Transylvania
The Mirror Street in Cluj

The Mirror Street in Cluj, on its official name, Iuliu Maniu Street, is a unique sight in the Transylvanian area, as well as a symbol of Cluj-Napoca.

The western end of the street, the one from Unirii Square, impresses with the two buildings that are symmetrical almost entirely. Hence the name, due to the mirror image effect created by the buildings. These are located between Bánffy Palace and the Wolphard-Kakas House and give the uniqueness and harmony of the street that goes out to Union Square.

Never at the corner of the street

Here, you are never at the corner of the street, for the buildings follow a rounded structure. And the turrets covered with decorated helmets accentuate the roundness of the corners. So, the street invites you to discover it, to dare to explore its buildings ... And not just the two twin buildings are architectural treasures. If you walk down the street, you will notice others. For example, we challenge you to admire the ceiling of the building on Iuliu Maniu Street, no. 38.

Brief history of the two buildings in the mirror The architectural ensemble at the western end of the street was created under the guidance of architect Ignác Alpár. The works were completed at the end of the 19th century in 1899. Following the trends of those times, the architecture of the buildings is inspired by the works of architect Hausmann, the architect who restructured Paris in the nineteenth century. Like Paris, Cluj passed through its own systematization in 1895.

The four plots of land on which the buildings were built at that time belonged to the Catholic Church. The church was previously demolished by a series of buildings around St. Michael's Church, which they rented as shops and pubs. As compensation for the demolitions made, the Church received the land that later built the most elegant palaces in Cluj in the nineteenth century.

Haussmannian architecture can also be admired in our country and on Magheru Boulevard in Bucharest. Similar, face-to-face buildings, almost identical in appearance, existed throughout Europe in the nineteenth century. The most famous are, of course, Paris and Vienna.

Information and images taken from cluj.com

The Mirror Street in Cluj
Roses Park Cluj-Napoca

Rozelor Park is one of the most young green spaces in Cluj. It is in the continuation of Iuliu Haţieganu University Sports Park, being modernized and inaugurated in 2010. The park is crossed by a bicycle track and a roller track. One of the reasons why the park is loved by Cluj is the diversity that it offers, being suitable for all age groups. The park has a children's playground, and sports enthusiasts can also enjoy five fitness machines.

In the autumn of 2012, a space of about 1,000 square meters was turned into a Rosary Park turned into a skatepark. The space is designed for roller skaters and motocross bikes, BMX, allowing for the organization of large-scale competitions.

Lately, the area has become even more attractive due to the terraces of some portions of Somesul Mic's banks. Thus, between the Garibaldi Bridge and the Roses Park was created a promenade cliff, as well as a bicycle track.

Photos and information: cluj.com

Roses Park Cluj-Napoca
The UBB Botanical Museum

The UBB Botanical Museum is located in the Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden in Cluj and has a 655,000 sheet herb with a great scientific value, which is always available to students and researchers from Romania and abroad.

The layout of the UBB Botanical Museum, which is preserved either by dry (press, three-dimensional or molded) or wet (in various preservatives), is done in accordance with systematic, ecological and economic criteria.

The presentation of the plant world in the museum is comprised of turnings and paintings that represent phytosociological and nature conservation aspects: the zoning and seeding of Romania's vegetation, the main botanical reserves in the country and the plants they are sheltering, endemic and protected plants from Romania. There are also pictures showing phytogeographical aspects, with vegetal formations on Globe, such as Mediterranean xerophilous shrubs, paintings with European, Asian or American conifers.

Among the collections of the museum we mention:

Collection of aromatic and seasoning products

Raw materials for heating and lighting

Collection of medicinal plants

Textile plant collection

Collection of palm seeds

Information and images taken from cluj.com

The UBB Botanical Museum
The Pharmacy Museum Cluj-Napoca

The Pharmacy Museum is based on a collection of heritage objects of Transylvanian origin, collected by Cluj University Professor Iulius Orient (or Gyula Orient, according to sources, 1869-1940). The collection was exhibited in 1904 in a hall of the Transylvanian Museum, which the teacher received as a donation.

In 1954, Professor Orient's unique collection of objects received the most suitable house he could have: the building where the oldest pharmacy in Cluj, Hintz House, was housed. Over time, the collection has been enhanced with many other heritage items received through donations.

Guided visits require prior programming!


Address: Piata Unirii nr. 28 (corner with King Ferdinand), Cluj-Napoca

Telephone: 0264 597 567, 0752 108 724

E-mail: istfarmacluj@gmail.com

photos: Radu Neag & Lucian Nuta

Information and images taken from cluj.com

The Pharmacy Museum Cluj-Napoca
Toroc Spa Park in Dej

Although arranged on the basis of salt lakes, the Toroc Spa in Dej offers many opportunities for relaxation all year round. To attract as many tourists as possible, Dej Town Hall has managed to modernize the park with accommodation areas with all the facilities and pools to satisfy all customers at the lowest prices.

Situated in Dej, in an area with a particularly attractive landscape, on Cabdick Hill, the Toroc Spa Park features a 1,1600-square-foot salt water lake, outdoor and freshwater and salt water interiors for children and adults .

In the area of the park, salt has been exploited ever since the Romans. As a result of these activities, a lake of lakes and ponds was formed, of which the largest lake is the one from Toroc, the rest of the lakes being old abandoned salt mines. Here are found springs of water and hypersaline based on them developed part of balneo.

Photos and information: monitorulcj.ro

Toroc Spa Park in Dej
Church of Ocna Dej Salt Mine

At the end of 2000, an ancient mining tradition demanding that a new mine be built underground by a chapel or a small church. The miners' work here was arranged at a depth of about 80 meters in Mina Transilvania, a church that was sanctified on December 4, 2000, on St. Varvara's Day, the patron of the mines in our country.

The iconostasis was carved in linden wood, in Byzantine style, and the ornamentation of the church was made by carving into the salt walls of Brâncuşi elements, girdle and column of the infinite. These artistic elements adorn all the icons of the church, as well as the four stained-glass windows that are enlightened, giving the impression that you are on the surface. The church is used by the miners, but anyone can attend the holidays.

Information and images taken from salinaocnadej.ro

Church of Ocna Dej Salt Mine
Gherla Fortress

Gherla Fortress (now the most secure penitentiary) witnesses the tumultuous history of Transylvania (also known as -Martinuzzi-) and built on the ruins of another older one, according to the plans of the Italian architect Dominico Da Bologna. The fortress was built during the time of John Zapolya (1526-1541) and was continued during his life by Croatian bishop Juraj Utjesenovici Martinuzzi (brother Georgius), the king's treasurer I. Zapolya, who became governor of Transylvania. It was completed in the days of John Sigismund (1556-1571). In 1785 Emperor Joseph II transformed himself into the Carcer Magni Principatus Transilvanae following a mass escape from the three-seat prison. The Congress of the Penitentiaries in 1910 transformed it into a Preventive Minority Institute and the Hortist Administration turned it into a prison in 1940. Since 1948, the communist regime has become a heavy jail for regime opponents: members of political parties, workers, peasants, pupils, students, famous clergy and intellectuals of various confessions, many finding their end here being thrown into common holes.

Information and images taken from primaria-gherla.ro Gherla Fortress

The Banffy Castle

The castle is located 30 km from the city of Cluj-Napoca, in Bonţida. It is a field that takes you to the history of the past. Here, besides the castle itself, which is being renovated today, you can take a tour through the courtyard park. There is also a small lake where you can relax, take pictures or just admire the place. The entrance fee is modest. The place is known for the Electric Castle concert that last summer.

Information and images taken from aventurainromania.ro

The Banffy Castle
The History Museum in Gherla

The History Museum in Gherla, as a cultural-scientific institution, aims at acquiring, preserving and capitalizing on cultural assets, as well as their exposure to the general public.

The History Museum - Gherla The Gherla History Museum has a collection of collections, including those belonging to the Astra Society, the Armenian Museum, the yearbook collection of the Maior High School and some of the collections of the Sic Museum. In 1951, the history museum became a district museum functioning in a building on Avram Iancu street, which was demolished as a result of city systematization works.

in 1986, the entire inventory was transferred to the building on Mihai Viteazul Street, no. 6 (former Karacsony family house, built at the end of the 18th century). Over time, collections have increased through acquisitions, donations and artifacts discovered as a result of the archaeological excavations in the area. the museum currently houses over 18,000. of the pieces contained in 5 collections.

The museum's heritage is valued through permanent and temporary exhibitions and lately also through itinerant exhibitions.

The permanent exhibition (arranged in three halls) shows, through archaeological and documentary materials, the evolution of the human society from the Paleolithic until the 18th century. They are inserted into showcases, exhibits discovered at Gherla and in neighboring areas belonging to the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Dacian and Roman period as well as those belonging to the Middle Ages. Considering the value of some Armenian objects, the Armenian Salon was set up, an exhibition that presents to the public a wide range of religious pieces belonging to the Armenian-Catholic cult.

Information and images taken from primaria-gherla.ro The History Museum in Gherla

Nicula Monastery

Maybe the most important monastery in Cluj County, Nicula, is 50 km away from the county seat, near the town of Gherla. This is known for the icon of the Virgin Mary, which is said to have been crying. Here are great pilgrimages on August 15, when it is the Assumption of the Virgin. The original worship was destroyed in a fire and it was dated from the 18th century.

It has been replaced by another, but it is closed to the public. The services are kept in the big church, which will be replaced by a new one that rises behind it.

Information and images taken from aventurainromania.ro Nicula Monastery

The reformed church in Huedin

The reformed church in Huedin, Cluj County dates from the 13th century. Lacasul is on the list of historical monuments 2010, code CJ-II-m-A-07679. Initially, at the settlement of the Hungarians in this area, they were Catholic. Probably at the beginning of the 13th century they built a church around which the village developed, then the Huedin fair. From the information we hold, it is very likely that after 1541 the Hungarian community passed to the Evangelical Church (Lutherana) under the leadership of Nagyfalui Mihály.

Two decades later, under the conditions of the political and confessional upheavals of the time, in 1561 the priest Hunyadi Demeter (Demetrius Hunyadi) considered himself reformed, which meant that he had passed with the community to the Reformed Church (Calvina), and after five years (1566) passed along with the enorigians at the Unitarian Church, which had its headquarters in Cluj. To remember that this prelate has reached the high dignity of the superintendent of the Transylvanian Arien Church (with similar attributions to the episcopal ones), leading to the work of attracting Catholic enorigians to unitarianism.

Information and images taken from turism.bzi.ro

The reformed church in Huedin
Cetatea Radesei cave

Cetatea Radesei cave. Crossing the castles can only be done on small water. Entrance to the cave is on the left bank. It has a 15m high portal, we get into the Large Hall flooded by light through 4 chimneys. There is the chaos of the big rock blocks, among which the waters squeak with deafening roar. After a narrow and light-free area, we reach a weak ray of light coming from Window I. After a narrow canyon, without light, marmite under our feet, we come to the dazzling light and the hot air of the Radesea. We went 260 m underground! From the clearing the trail crosses: one branch connects with the Somes Warm Circuit and the other climbs the left slope between the stream Radeasa and Feredeu, and closes the Radesei Circuit. Here is the point where we have to decide in which direction we continue the road. Those who continue the Cetatii Radesi circuit and return to Varsoaia start a climb in the serpentine. After 10 minutes, the first twin, with the double sign, comes down to us. 15 m.

Information and images taken from www.welcometoromania.ro

Cetatea Radesei cave
The Roman Castro

The most important historical and archaeological monument of Potaisia ​​is the Macedonian V Legion, on Dealul Cetatii Plateau. His ruins remained up until late in the Middle Ages, constituting not only a shaped "stone" quarry, fully used for the Turzian public needs until the nineteenth century, but also a source of antiquities of all kinds (pieces architectural monuments, sculptures, mosaics, inscriptions on stone, coins, small objects) uncovered fortuitously and most of them in various collections and museums. In 1574 the French traveler Pierre Lescalopier described a gate of the castle, perhaps the same gate on the northern side described by the Transylvanian humanist St. 1599-1603. Zamosius (Szamoskozy). The gate was arched, built of large shaped blocks of stone. The crash of the gate in 1657, mentioned by historian W. Bethlen, was probably only partial, the gate being remembered in 1677 by Fr. Fasching.

The Potaissa Castles are the largest legion of long legions in Dacia. With the long (573 m) and the short (east and west) 408 m long, the huge rectangle described by the castle occupies an area of ​​23.37 hectares. By orientation and position, the Potaissa camp respects the main prescriptions of the military technicians of the era in which it was built. Thus wearing the decumanum is oriented towards the higher zone (to the west); the castle is on a plateau, protected from floods and torrential but close enough to a stream. The plateau has a dominant position on the ancient city and on the surrounding areas (absolute altitude 375 m), being raised by about 40 m, which allowed a good visibility from the castle to appreciable distances. Thus, the road to Napoca could be traced from the camp to the current village of Aiton.

The cast-iron was supplied with water through a pipe made of terracotta tubes that entered through the decimate gate; there were also many fountains, one of which was discovered in a room of principle. A wastewater spillway can be seen near the north corner of the castle, preserved and protected by a special construction. Part of the vestiges archaeologically researched in the castle were strengthened and preserved, becoming visiting places; the gate on the western side, the bastion on the same side, the bastion in the north-western corner, some parts of the command building (the principality), the spillway near the northeast corner.

Information and images taken from primariaturda.ro

The Roman Castro
The Turzii Gorges

The Turzii Gorges - the impressive top of the mountain due to the Hasdate river - offers the splendor of any tourists. Among the most famous caves are: Cetatuia Mare, Bats Cave, Ungureasca Cave, Modoloaie Cave, etc. The most impressive forms of relief are the rocky corners. Next to the stone cathedral called Cocos Corner there are also: Bors Tower, Yellow Tower, Sansil Corner, Fortress Corner, etc. The Turzian Gorge is surrounded by a legendary aura, a mixture of traditional elements and material and documentary evidence regarding the different aspects of the life of the famous Haiduc Balica as well as the monastery which gave the names of the places on the top to the right of the Turzii Gorge.

Therefore, repeatedly used as a shelter of the locals in the conditions of all kinds of threats to which they were subjected, Turzii Gorge came to bear the name of "Fortresses of Turda". And they were really fortresses where locals have often escaped in their attempts to save the invasion of invasions or other difficult trials. Of great scientific importance and high tourist attractiveness, the Turzii Gorge was to acquire the natural reservation status at national level since 1938, and then it was included in the U.N.E.S.C.O. among the most prestigious natural monuments. The special value of the geological, floral, and faunal treasures justifies the decisions of the national and international fora, taking care to protect the environment and its most precious gems. It is legitimate, therefore, the interest raised by the Turzii Gorge among the numerous lovers of nature, and the more so as the surroundings offer other objectives of great attraction.

Information and images taken from primariaturda.ro

The Turzii Gorges
The Salty Baths

The existence of the mass of salt and the exploitation of this wealth over centuries have created in the north-eastern part of the city, at about. 2 km from its center, a specific landscape. it's about the salt micro-depression Baile Sarate. Salt exploitation, the massifs of the salt mass as well as landslides have favored the formation of many lakes in different stages of evolution. Some lakes, especially anthropoints located on the site of former salt mines, are used by the population for therapeutic or leisure purposes. The saline concentration of lakes is different. The high content of salt and other elements gives them outstanding therapeutic properties. From this point of view, the most important interest is represented by the Roman Lake, on which was built the stream of the city, the Tarzan lake and the lake of lakes from the Sarata Valley, to the west of the Baile Sarate microdepression, the area known as Durgau. The waters of these lakes, sodium chlorate, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium are indicated for diseases of the locomotor system, the peripheral nervous system as well as for gynecological diseases. Another special therapeutic factor of the area is mineralized saliva (mud). This peat mud is at a depth of 0.5-1 m beneath the alluvial layer and is used for therapeutic purposes in the form of heliotherapy, followed by heliotherapy, in an unorganized manner, or in the form of packings within the treatment base spa. The most frequent place of recreation in this area is the beach that attracts a great number of locals every summer, but also from Cluj and Campia Turzii. The present form of the strand dates back to 1952-1953 when the lake was concreted and divided into four depth zones.


Unlike the other components of the recreational area - Salty Baths - whose functioning is seasonal, the Spa Complex operates throughout the year. It includes a hotel and a spa treatment base. The treatment base offers a wide range of spa treatment procedures for rheumatic, gynecological, and respiratory diseases such as salty baths, galvanic baths, sauna, mud and paraffin packs, massages and therapeutic gymnastics. The base has well-equipped cabinets and a specialized health and medical staff. The Baile Sarat area is known as the spa micro-plant in 1837. The first large-scale facilities were built during the interwar period.

Information and images taken from primariaturda.ro

The Salty Baths
The Turda History Museum

The History Museum is the most valuable monument of the medieval civilian architecture in the city's radius and the only palace that still preserves parts dating from the end of the 15th century or the beginning of the next. It was once the residence or Princess House of Prince Sigismund Bathory. The building has enjoyed its consideration over time, counting among its favorite chairpersons. Until around 1588, important reconstruction works were carried out on the current structure of the building dating from those times. It underwent a general restoration in 1818, with more repairs carried out in 1886-1887 and 1911, since it dates back to its present form. The architecture of the building is essentially Gothic, overlaid with elements of the Renaissance.

The History Museum in Turda was included six years ago in the National Restoration Program initiated by the Ministry of Culture. The objectives of this governmental program include consolidation, restoration and environmental research in the construction perimeter. Built after 1560, the monument is a ground-floor and upstairs building, approximately square, with a northern annex in the north. Designed for the Turda salt dump, the building also served as the temporary residence of the Transylvanian princes during visits to the area, hence the name of the Princely House or the Voivodal Palace.

The main facade has a fringed arch entrance portal and three rectangular windows. Above the entrance was a balcony supported on consoles in gradual withdrawals. On its right and left there are rectangular windows with cornices and denticle strips on the top. The other facades are devoid of decorative elements, only the windows have some accents. The basement of the building is covered with half-cylindrical brick vaults, while the ground floor carries a wooden ceiling supported by strong beams. The doors of the ground floor rooms have rectangular frames, except for one end top with a fringed arch. The floor is also suspended, and the door frames are rectangular. Essentially, the edifice belongs to the Gothic period at the end of the fifteenth century, but it underwent changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a renovation in 1818, and the last intervention, the one in 1919, was due to the architect Lux Kalman.

The founders of the Turda museum can be considered as A.Ratiu, I.Tigarea and I.Russu by their notable activity of collecting and preserving the archaeological and historical vestiges from the time of J.Kemeny and I.Teglas, during the period of the war and subsequent WWII. Established in 1943, the museum was opened to the public in 1951, the date when a systematic activity was conducted in the direction of scientific research, enrichment and preservation of the heritage and its scientific and cultural-educational valorisation. The successive reorganizations of the basic exhibition have led to the realization of a museum presentation of the evolution of the human society in the Turda area from ancient times until nowadays. Besides the rich collections of vestiges from prehistory, from Roman, medieval, modern and contemporary epochs, the Turda museum also possesses a valuable collection of folk art and ethnography. The Turda History Museum has published several specialized books. One of these is the work signed by the Doctor in Archeology Mihai Barbulescu, Potaissa-Monograph Study, or The Ancient Coin at Potaissa, works that refer to the archaeological discoveries of the Roman Castrum, Turzii Gorge and Turenilor Gorge.

Information and images taken from primariaturda.ro

The Turda History Museum
The Turenilor Keys

The scientific and tourist importance of this objective has led the National Cultural Heritage Office to investigate the required conditions for establishing the status of mixed natural reservation (of archaeological, floristic, faunistic and landscape interest). The delimitation of the perimeter of the reservation has already been achieved, and the complete reproduction of the goal is completed. The Caves of Tureni (the most important of which are the ones called Virgins and Zanes) were investigated by the speleologists George Racovita and Iosif Viehman, from the specialized institute in Cluj-Napoca. A complete monograph of this monument of nature is being prepared by specialists of O.J.P.C.N. and of the Museum of History, naturalist Victor Catanas and archaeologists Gheorghe Lazarovici and ZoiaKalmar, which will soon be published, thus giving tourists a rich source of documentation The oldest traces of human habitation in the Turie Gorge date back to the 5th millennium BC. and belong to the cultural complex Cluj - Turzii Gorge - New World. Other discoveries date back to the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age.

From the Dacian and Roman epochs, a small house dated to the 1st century BC was discovered. - I d. and some points of observation about the Roman camp at Potaissa. On Podere's terrace were found traces of dwelling in the final period of Romanian ethnogenesis and early feudalism (5th-12th centuries). In the caves of the Tureni Gorge there have been found vestiges proving their seasonal residence since the ancient ages. Attention to tourists is attracted by a 40-meter and 3-meter high tumulus on the Ghienghe hill at La Furnici, the tomb where tombs from the early Bronze Age have been researched recently.

Information and images taken from primariaturda.ro

The Turenilor Keys
Turda Salt Mine

Turda Salt Mine – A real museum of salt mining in Transylvania

The Turda Salt Mine is located in the Durgau-Valea Sarata area of ​​Turda. The entrance to Salina is from Salinelor Street 54A or through the main entrance located in Salina-Durgau tourist center located on Alea Durgau. At Turda the salt mine has been known and exploited ever since the earliest times (reliable archaeological evidence of the salt mining at Durgau-Turda exists from the pre-Roman period 50 BC-106 AD), but the systematic exploitation of the deposit begins in the period of the Roman occupation (106-274dC). Salt was exploited by the Romans in pyramid chambers of 17-34 m deep and 10-12 m wide. Besides the Durgau Salt Massif, the Romans also exploited the Salt Massif from the Roman Baths (in the area of ​​the current swimming pool). The first document mentioning Ocna from Turda was issued by the Hungarian office in 1075.

During the 13th century, Ocna from Durgau-Turda is mentioned explicitly. On May 1, 1271, the capital of the Transylvanian Episcopate gave "the salt mine from Durgau-Turda". During the Hungarian rule of Turda Salina, a number of 4 underground roads were opened at Durgau: Katalin mine, Horizont mine, Felsö-Akna mine and Joseph Joseph mine. At the end of the 17th century the Durgau-Turda salt mine implicitly falls under the Austrian direct administration (the Austro-Hungarian period). During this period (XVII-XIXth centuries) a number of 5 underground floors were opened in Durgau: Mine Tereza, Mina Anton, Clujeana mine, Mina Rudolf and Mina Ghizela. Turda salt mine, which was one of Transylvania's most important salines, began to decline after 1840 due to the growing competition of the Ocna Mureş salt mine.

In 1853 the excavations of the Franz Josef access gallery (to facilitate the transport of salt to the surface) began, excavations completed at the end of the 19th century. Salt Turda Salt Salt was permanently closed in 1932 due to the primitive technical endowment, low yield and competition of other Transylvanian Salt. After closure, the salt mine entered a period of oblivion until the Second World War when it was used as a shelter for the city's population. After 1950 until 1992, when it was reopened to the public as a tourist attraction, the first 500 m of the Franz Josef transport gallery were used as a cheese store. Salina Turda reopened in 1992 (for tourism and curative purposes).

With the financial support of the European Union in 2008, the modernization works of the salt mine started, being released to the touristic circuit as of January 2010. In the period January 2008 - January 2010, a modernization process took place in the Salt Turda. As a result, a new look and extended functionality of the Turda Salt was created. The Rudolf Mine is now a concert hall, sports ground, bowling, minigolf, and a huge gondola, and a lift for those who travel harder. In Mina Teresa there was built a pier on the lake with boats that allow tourists to ride on saline lake.

Information taken from primariaturda.ro and images taken from salinaturda.eu

Turda Salt Mine