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Arges County is located in the south-central part of the country, bounded to the south by the parallel of 44 ° 22 'north latitude and to the north by latitude 45 ° 36' N, west of the meridian of 24 ° 26 ' And east of 25 ° 19 'east longitude. The county's surface is 682631 ha. In the northern part, the county boundary follows the high ridges of the Fagaras Mountains, crosses the Piatra Craiului Mountains and the Rucar - Bran Avenue, which divides the county of Arges from Sibiu and Brasov. To the east, Dambovita County is much longer, crossing the Leaota Mountains, the Getic Subcarpathians, the Candesti Piedmont, and Gavanu Burdea. The southern limit from Teleorman County cuts the Gavanu Burdea. To the south-west, Arges County borders with Olt County, the limit crossing the Romanian plain and the piedmont of Cotmena, crossing the valleys in the upper basin of Vedea River. The western limit, from Valcea County, crosses the valley of Topolog river.

Namaiesti Monastery

Namaiesti Monastery
At 5.88 km from Campulung city center.

Mateias Mausoleum

Mateias Mausoleum
At 7.1 km from Campulung city center.

Monastery of Corbii de Piatra

Monastery of Corbii de Piatra
At 18.69 km from Curtea de Arges city center.

Royal church

Royal church
At 0.59 km from Curtea de Arges city center.

Curtea de Arges Monastery

Curtea de Arges Monastery
At 1.88 km from Curtea de Arges city center.
Namaiesti MonasteryNamaiesti Monastery is located in an area with ancient historical traces and very picturesque, hidden in a rock at an altitude of 765 m. Namaiesti Monastery is an Orthodox monastery in Arges county, located a short distance from Campulung, towards the northwest. Exact data about the foundation of the church and the monastery carved in stone are not known. The monastery church is carved in stone, into the mountain. Historical documents about the village and monastery Namaiesti Namaiesti attests years 1503-1547, in the charters princes Radu Mircea the Great Shepherd.Namaiesti Monastery
Mateias Mausoleum11 Km. Campulung immediately following the cement plant on the right side, an imposing building is dedicated to the heroes who fought in the First World War, namely Mateias Mausoleum. The mausoleum was built between 1928-1935.Mateias Mausoleum
Monastery of Corbii de PiatraPHOTO SOURCE: MARIUS GODOI The Orthodox Monastery is located in the village of Jgheaburi in Arges County and it is spectacular because the monastery church is dug in the sandstone rock. The first documented attestation of the rock church dates back to 1512, but it is believed that it existed before that date. In 1897, during the resurrection service, the western wall of the nave collapsed, but nobody was injured. The faithful then brought Italian craftsmen to restore the wall. The church is a monument and thanks to the interior paintings that indicate a 14th century Byzantine tradition.
The cave church of Corbii de Piatra was dug into the massive rock wall, about 30 m tall and 14.5 m long. In fact, Corbii de Piatra is the only church in Romania that has two functional altars on the same nave. There is the supposition that the two altars would have been built to serve both Orthodox and Catholic worship. But their Byzantine aspect denies this supposition, pushing the age of construction into the first millennium of the Christian era. There are voices among specialists who place the digging of this place even in the time of persecution against Christians. Their argument would be the minuscule entrance into the church (under 1 meter height), which would have been perfectly adapted to those times and easily camouflaged.
Monastery of Corbii de Piatra
Royal church

It is one of the most prestigious monuments of the Romanian architecture, according to the classical Byzantine model of Greek Greek-engraved Greek churches. It was begun by Basarab I the founder in the middle of the 14th century and continued by his descendants Nicolae Alexandru and Vladislav I Vlaicu.

  The monument preserves the original painting of the 14th century, as well as frescoes from the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1992, on the occasion of the restoration works, a Grafit was discovered in 6860 (ie 1352) in Campulung, the great Basarab Voivode, Basarab I, who reigned between 1310-1352, died and founded the independent Romanian state of Wallachia .

Information and images taken from www.primariacurteadearges.ro

Royal church
Curtea de Arges Monastery

Among the monuments that have been made over the centuries, from what adorned the voivode of Arges, the church raised by Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521) is the most valuable building of art and church architecture. Beginning in 1514 of Neagoe Basarab's desire to create a monument without a seaman of beauty, he entrusted the construction of the monastery of the legendary master Manole, who at the cost of his own life and that of his wife, built in the walls of the church, made this building . Neagoe Basarab has not come to see the realization of the interior paintings.

In 1526, his son-in-law, Radu from Afumati was the one who finished the work of interior paintings with the help of the master Dobromir. The old iconostasis and a few icons from the time of Serban Cantacuzino di sec. XVII, is in the collection of art objects at Curtea de Arges Monastery. In the monastery can be seen the paintings of King Carol I and Queen Elisabeth, and instead of the forehead is the gospel written in gold letters by Queen Elizabeth. In pranaos, there are the crypts of Neagoe Basarab, Radu of Afumati and royal couples of Romania, Carol I and Elisabeta, Ferdinand and Maria.

Information and images taken from www.primariacurteadearges.ro

Curtea de Arges Monastery