Arges County is located in the south-central part of the country, bounded to the south by the parallel of 44 ° 22 'north latitude and to the north by latitude 45 ° 36' N, west of the meridian of 24 ° 26 ' And east of 25 ° 19 'east longitude. The county's surface is 682631 ha. In the northern part, the county boundary follows the high ridges of the Fagaras Mountains, crosses the Piatra Craiului Mountains and the Rucar - Bran Avenue, which divides the county of Arges from Sibiu and Brasov. To the east, Dambovita County is much longer, crossing the Leaota Mountains, the Getic Subcarpathians, the Candesti Piedmont, and Gavanu Burdea. The southern limit from Teleorman County cuts the Gavanu Burdea. To the south-west, Arges County borders with Olt County, the limit crossing the Romanian plain and the piedmont of Cotmena, crossing the valleys in the upper basin of Vedea River. The western limit, from Valcea County, crosses the valley of Topolog river.