Adjud (in the past, Adjudu Nou) is a municipality in Vrancea County, Moldova, Romania, consisting of Adjud (residence) and Burcioaia, and Adjudu Vechi and Şişcani. It has a population of 16,045 (2011) and is north of the point where the Siret and Trotus rivers meet.
Adjud is in the north of the county, at the shed of Trotus in Siret. The land on which Adjud is located is generally planted, being bordered by sub-Carpathian hills up to 400 m high. The overall general altitude of the city is about 100 m above sea level. The land is favorable to agricultural crops, it corresponds to the conditions of construction and has a potable water pot under 10 m deep.
The geological research shows that the underground of the municipality has layers of levantine and quaternary pebbles and sands, forming hydrologically significant aquifer deposits fed by the Trotus, Siret and direct atmospheric precipitations.
The temperate climate corresponds to its location and is characterized by winds prevailing in the north alternating in the warm and south-east season with an average annual temperature of 8-10 ° C, the precipitation average being 500 mm / m² in one year. Known from ancient times for its location at the intersection between the Romanian provinces of Moldova, Wallachia and Transylvania, it is still an important railway and road hub. The surface of the city was in 1997 of 5,911 ha, of which occupied buildings and courtyards - 105 ha.
Source wikipedia