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Buzau is located in southeastern Romania at an altitude of 101 m above sea level, having the coordinates of 45 ° 09 north latitude and 25 ° 5 east longitude. It has an area of ​​81.3 km2 and a population of 146.926 inhabitants (July 1, 2001). The name of Buzau, after Vasile Pârvan, originates in the Thracian radical - -Buza-, which is also found in us, because we also draw from the Thracian - -Buzau-. To this was added the Greek-Latin suffix AIOS-EUS which is no longer active only in cult groups, Latinology neologisms, but that BUZEUS BUZAU could only give. A housing complex specific to Gumelniţa culture was discovered in Crâng Park, in the 4th millennium BC. a tomb belonging to the Bronze Age, the Monteoru culture (2200-1100 BC) also in Crâng, as well as getodacic dwelling complexes in the Buzau-Sud industrial area and in the Bucegi-Bistrita streets.

The first documentary mention of the Buzau River (on the bank of which certainly was a polis) refers to the deeds, the Orthodox faith and the martyrdom of Sava in Buzau, drowned on 12 April 372 in the Mousaios River (Buzau) by the non-Christian Goths led by Athanaric (the document -The Savior of Saint Sava-, written in 376, is kept in children at the Vatican Library and the San Marco Library in Venice). The day of April 12 remained in the Orthodox Christian Calendar as the Holy Martyr Sava of Buzau. Since May 1996 St. Sava has become the spiritual patron of the Buzoi lands. Buzau is a gift from the Buzau River. As Professor C. Dumitrescu said, -If I sat on the bank of the Buzau River, one of the most significant rivers of Muntenia, when it came out of the hills and where the river has a very accessible view, Buzaul offered wood for construction and fire in abundance, fish in the surrounding ponds and in the river, the cattle farmer, the land for agriculture-. On the territory of the city, coins were found throughout the 4th-13th centuries. Archaeological discoveries have shown a great deal of economic and social life in an extended area (south of the railway - Drăgaica Fair - ACR Workshops - UJCC warehouse). Giecomo Di Petro Luccari, at the Court of Mihai Viteazul, writes by quoting old documents: -Negru Voda (the legendary founder of Wallachia) founded Campulung and drew some brickworks forged in Bucharest, Targoviste ... and Buzau.


Buzau is located in southeastern Romania at an altitude of 101 m above sea level, having the coordinates of 45 ° 09 north latitude and 25 ° 5 east longitude. It has an area of ​​81.3 km2 and a population of 146.926 inhabitants (July 1, 2001). The name of Buzau, after Vasile Pârvan, originates in the Thracian radical - -Buza-, which is also found in us, because we also draw from the Thracian - -Buzau-. To this was added the Greek-Latin suffix AIOS-EUS which is no longer active only in cult groups, Latinology neologisms, but that BUZEUS BUZAU could only give. A housing complex specific to Gumelniţa culture was discovered in Crâng Park, in the 4th millennium BC. a tomb belonging to the Bronze Age, the Monteoru culture (2200-1100 BC) also in Crâng, as well as getodacic dwelling complexes in the Buzau-Sud industrial area and in the Bucegi-Bistrita streets.

The first documentary mention of the Buzau River (on the bank of which certainly was a polis) refers to the deeds, the Orthodox faith and the martyrdom of Sava in Buzau, drowned on 12 April 372 in the Mousaios River (Buzau) by the non-Christian Goths led by Athanaric (the document -The Savior of Saint Sava-, written in 376, is kept in children at the Vatican Library and the San Marco Library in Venice). The day of April 12 remained in the Orthodox Christian Calendar as the Holy Martyr Sava of Buzau. Since May 1996 St. Sava has become the spiritual patron of the Buzoi lands. Buzau is a gift from the Buzau River. As Professor C. Dumitrescu said, -If I sat on the bank of the Buzau River, one of the most significant rivers of Muntenia, when it came out of the hills and where the river has a very accessible view, Buzaul offered wood for construction and fire in abundance, fish in the surrounding ponds and in the river, the cattle farmer, the land for agriculture-. On the territory of the city, coins were found throughout the 4th-13th centuries. Archaeological discoveries have shown a great deal of economic and social life in an extended area (south of the railway - Drăgaica Fair - ACR Workshops - UJCC warehouse). Giecomo Di Petro Luccari, at the Court of Mihai Viteazul, writes by quoting old documents: -Negru Voda (the legendary founder of Wallachia) founded Campulung and drew some brickworks forged in Bucharest, Targoviste ... and Buzau.

Berca mud volcanoes

Berca mud volcanoes
At 24.85 km from city center.

Prehistoric Grotes

Prehistoric Grotes
At 26.07 km from city center.
Berca mud volcanoesBerca mud volcanoes and Mari is a unique phenomenon in Romania. Natural reservation of geological type on approx. 30 ha. The muddy volcanoes are located in the Curb Subcarpathians in Berca, Buzau County, being trained because of the eruptions of gas from the earth, which trained to the surface mud and water. Known in the area under the name of patch, muddy volcanoes have the same structure as true volcanoes, with similar processes being produced inside. In other words, we are dealing with some miniature volcanoes where the cones do not exceed 5 - 6m in height, and the depth from which the lava is thrown to the surface is much smaller. In the end, the same result, that is, a largely arid but spectacular surface.Berca mud volcanoes
Prehistoric Grotes

Is located in Buzau, in the village Naieni. Everyone wants to relive some of the history of the nation, to translate between our ancestors were forced to live in caves will be heading to town Naieni, only 30 kilometers from the city of Buzau.

Prehistoric Grotes